People of the Indus Valley Civilisation (also called Harappan
Civilisation after the major city of Harappa) were mainly farmers, although
recent finds are indicating a well developed culture. Eminent scholars have
concluded that the origins of the practices of yoga and meditation can be
traced to the Indus Valley civilisation. An image of a human figure has been
found that is seated in a cross-legged posture, hands resting on the knees
and eyes narrowed - clearly suggesting meditation. Also, the wandering ascetic
is frequently mentioned. These ascetics are said to have practised methods
of mind training, to have been celibate, naked or clothed in the most meagre
of garments, to have had no fixed abode, and to have taught a way beyond birth
and death.
According to most scholars, the original Indus Valley civilisation
was abruptly interrupted sometime between 1800 and 1500 BCE by an invasion
of the Aryans (people from a region somewhere in Eastern Europe). These were
warriors and traders, as opposed to the original population of farmers. After
the middle of the second millennium BCE, Indian society became largely dominated
by Aryan values. Many of the Aryan principles still dominate "orthodox Indian
philosophy" and present-day Hinduism; such as the importance of the Vedic
scriptures and the supremacy of the Brahmic class (origins of the caste-system).
A simplistic overview of the contrast between the Indus Valley and Aryan culture
is given in below table.
Characteristic |
Indus Valley |
Aryan |
Religious practice |
Meditation |
Sacrifice (to the gods) |
Main practitioner |
Ascetic |
Priest |
Purpose of life |
Liberation |
This life, then heaven |
Focus in life |
Renunciation |
Rebirth as householder |
Morals based on |
Karma |
Social values |
Social position |
Equality |
Caste (Brahmanic) |
Origin of Wisdom |
Own (meditation) experience |
Scriptures like Vedas |
From about 1500 to 600 BC much interaction of above opposed
traditions occurred. The religious and philosophical world at the time of
the Buddha With the risk of oversimplifying things, one could say that Jainism
and Buddhism are mainly further developments of the principles of the Indian
Valley Culture, whereas the "orthodox schools of Indian (Hindu) philosophy"
were leaning more to the Aryan culture.
Three basic principles rule the orthodox schools of Hinduism:
1. Belief in an eternal, infinite, all-embracing neuter principle of ultimate
reality called Brahman. The pervasive force lying within all beings, Brahman
is conceived as the "self," or atman, of all forms of life.
2. Supremacy of the sacred texts like the Vedas (probably composed about
1500-1200 BC)and Upanishads (c. 400 BC).
3. Supremacy of the Brahman (priestly) class as the highest representative
of religious purity and knowledge, and many support the notion that social
and religious duties are differently determined according to birth and inherent
Various schools of Hinduism were developing during the
time of the Buddha, like Mimamsa, Vedanta and Samkhya (see below).
Theistic Hinduism replaced the Vedic sacrificial cult with a form of worship
or service to an image or representation of the deity called puja and an
attitude of respectful, but often enthusiastic, devotion called 'bhakti'.
Puja consists of a more or less elaborate ritual in which the deity is invoked
into an image that is established in either the home or temple, is honoured
as a royal guest with a seat, offerings of water, garments, perfumes, flowers,
food, and so on, and is then dismissed out of the idol he has temporarily
deigned to inhabit. The main purpose of the ritual is the communion with
the deity gradually leading to a more permanent and even closer relationship
between the worshiper and God.
The main deities worshipped in Hinduism are: Vishnu, Shiva and Shakti. Many
of the other deities within the Hindu pantheon are worshipped on occasion,
either on specific dates or depending on the need of the practitioner.
Most schools of Hinduism (still) emphasise aspects inherited
from the Aryan tradition like; caste, the authority of scriptures like the
Vedas, and the practice of sacrifice . However, important elements of the
culture of the Indus Valley civilisation., such as renunciation, meditation,
rebirth, karma, and liberation have also been absorbed.
The practice of yoga is known to be quite old, and may also have its roots
in the pre-Aryan culture.
^Top of Page
Mahavira (Great Hero) lived around 570-490 BC and was a contemporary
of the Buddha. He is considered the main prophet (Tirthankara) who founded
Jainism in this era. Similar to Buddhism, Jainism teaches that their principles
have been taught in the past by enlightened teachers, and will be taught again
in the future.
The main principles of Jainism could be summarised as:
- Ahimsa: non-violence, a consequence of the belief in Karma
- Anekantvad: multiple views points
- Apirigraham: avoidance of material possessions
- Satya: the renunciation of secular life.
There are many similarities between Jain and Buddhist philosophy,
like a belief in karma, detachment, meditation and relativity (realisation
that there is always more than one viewpoint). Also less obvious aspects appear
similar, for example the similarity of the cosmology in the Kalachakra Tantra).
Often, it is not even easy to distinguish between an ancient depiction of
the Mahavira and the Buddha, as they are both usually depicted in a similar
meditation posture, like below left the image of the Mahavira and at the right
the Buddha. The most obvious difference is the fact that the Jain saints are

To illustrate the Jain concept of relativity of different
viewpoints, they use the parable of 5 blind men trying to experience an elephant
by means of touch.
A group of five blind men came upon an elephant. The
first man, feeling the enormous leg, said, "This thing is very much like
a tree." The second, standing near its ear, reached up and said, "This is
a winnowing fan!" "No, " said a third as he grasped the moving trunk. "Be
careful. This creature is a serpent." "I disagree," said a voice at the
other end. "It is only a frayed piece of rope". The last man commented,
"You are all wrong. I have felt this thing on both sides and it is just
a wall."
Jainism teaches, that once the person has applied the three
principles of detachment, karma and relativity, he or she can experience and
share Maitri which is pure love, understanding and compassion for all beings
(an extremely important aspect of Mahayana Buddhism). Moreover, as described
in the jainsamaj
"In the Buddhist scripture Majjima Nikaya, Buddha
himself tells us about his ascetic life and its ordinances which are in
conformity with the Jain monks code of conduct. He says, "Thus far, Sari
Putta did I go in my penance. I went without clothes. I licked my food from
my hands. I took no food that was brought or meant especially for me. I
accepted no invitation to a meal." Mrs. Rhys Davis has observed that Buddha
found his two teachers Alara and Uddaka at Vaisali and started his religious
life as a Jaina."
^Top of Page
Besides these well-known religions, other - and often quite
radical - philosophies were known at the time of the Buddha, although not
existing anymore at present, like:
- Naturalists like followers of Purana Kashyapa, who denied both virtue and
vice, and thus all moral efficacy of human deeds (Karma).
- Determinist Ajivika (in the strict sense followers of Makkhali Gosala -
contemporary and early friend of Mahavira) who denied sin and freedom of will,
and rebirths are destined without influence of human behaviour.
- Materialists, Lokayata or Carvaka (after one of the great teachers of this
school) like Ajita Keshakambalin, who, besides denying virtue, vice, and afterlife,
resolved man's being into material elements. They posed that this world extends
only to the limits of possible sense experience and denied the authority of
the scriptures. Brhaspati was probably the founder of this school, which could
be called hedonistic.
- Sceptics like Sanjaya Belathiputta, who, in reply to the question "Is there
an afterlife?" would not say "It is so" or "It is otherwise," nor would he
say "It is not so" or "It is not not so."
Few scholars would disagree that at the time of the Buddha,
a very heterogeneous and actively developing religious culture flourished
in India. This generally accepted historical reality proves that Buddhism
was neither a protest against, or an offshoot of Hinduism (this view is even
expressed for example in the Encyclopaedia Brittanica). Buddhism simply proved
to be one of the more successful new schools of thought within a large variety
of philosophies, especially after King Ashoka became a Buddhist in 297 BCE,
and turned it into a state religion.
As debate is a very old traditional means of testing (spiritual) teachers
in Indian culture, of course one can trace many philosophical works (especially
in the Mahayana tradition), that could be interpreted as protesting against,
or arguing with other traditions. Western philosophers may have misinterpreted
these works as "protest", as such a thing is nearly unthinkable
within Western religious systems.
The Buddha himself actually refused to argue on spiritual matters, he explained
that he only presented what he had realised as the truth. On the other hand,
Buddhism arose from an existing culture, and inevitably many elements of other
contemporary traditions are found in Buddhism. In the same sense one could
argue that Christianity would be an offshoot of (or protest to) Judaism and
Islam is an offshoot of (or protest to) Christianity...
It appears that Buddhism draws most of its inspiration from
the religious culture of the Indus Valley civilisation; like the elements
of renunciation, meditation, rebirth, karma, and liberation. Also, many symbols
of the Indus Valley civilisation. have religious significance and are also
sacred to Buddhism. They include the pipal tree (later known as the bodhi
tree, or ficus religiosa), and animals such as the elephant and deer. On the
other hand, aspects similar to the Aryan tradition can be clearly traced in
the rituals of tantric Buddhism. This in contrast to Hinduism, where many
of the Aryan principles dominate, although it also contains various elements
of the Indus Valley Culture.
^Top of Page
Vishnu is a Hindu god thought to incarnate in various forms
called Avatars. One is the hero-king, Rama who battled the demon Ravana with
the aid of Hanuman (the monkey-headed hero), another is Krishna who is depicted
as a blue flute-player and a lover of many women each of whom feels she is
the only one. Since the Buddha is considered by many Hindus (not by Buddhists!)
to be one of the Avatars, Hinduism and Buddhism will probably always remain
quite interlinked.
Main sources for this page:
- Peter Della Santina's
dissertation on Buddhism
- Encyclopedia Brittanica
- Sanderson Beck's page
Many links to Jainism can be found on the webpage
of the Colorado State University.
Just for fun:
In the beginning the Universe was created.
This has made a lot of
people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
Douglas Adams
Last updated:February 6, 2011