1000-Armed Chenrezig (Tibetan) or Avalokiteshvara in Sanskrit stands on a Lotus:
symbolising bodhicitta as it grows from suffering (mud), works its' way up through
the waters of life to the surface of Enlightenment.
On the lotus is a moon disc: method-aspect (sun = wisdom) or bodhicitta;
wishing to lead all sentient beings to enlightenment.
Chenresig's white colour represents purity and lack of selfishness.
1000 arms: how compassion looks to all sentient beings and reaches out
to help.
The hand palms with eyes represent method (bodhicitta); the eyes represent
Chenresig's 11 heads are actually 10, which are the 10 perfections
and Amitabha Buddha on top as "family-sign".
The Jewel in the first two hands is a 'wish-fulfilling gem': bodhicitta,
the fulfilment of self and others happiness.
Lotus in the hand: as above lotus: bodhicitta
The mala represents the mantra/tantric aspect
Bow & arrow: wisdom hitting the target of enlightenment
Wheel: Dharma wheel of continuous teachings
Vase: initiation, tantric aspect
Mudra of supreme generosity (bottom right hand): bestowing realisations,
the compassionate action Deerskin: having perfected compassion & patience
3 Circles of hands: 1st the Dharmakaya, 2nd the Samboghakaya, the 3rd
represents the Nirmanakaya
Taking Refuge
I go for refuge to the Buddha,
I go for refuge to the Dharma,
I go for refuge to the Sangha. (3x)
Setting the Mind to Enlightenment
By virtue of giving and so forth,
may I become a Buddha for the benefit of all sentient beings. (3x)
4 Immeasurables
May all sentient beings have equanimity, free from attachment, aggression
and prejudice.
May they be happy, and have the causes for happiness.
May they be free from suffering and causes for suffering.
May they never be separated from the happiness that is free from suffering.
7-Limbed Prayer
Respectfully I prostrate with body, speech and mind;
I present clouds of every type of offerings, actual and imagined;
I declare all the negative actions I have done since beginningless time,
and rejoice in the merit of all Aryas and ordinary beings.
Please teacher, remain until cyclic existence ends
and turn the wheel of Dharma for all sentient beings.
I dedicate the virtues of myself and others to the great Enlightenment.
Visualisation and Mantra Recitation
- Try to open up your heart to all sentient beings
- Think of suffering of friends, like you, they want to be free from suffering
- Think of people you don't know, people you don't like, think of other beings,
even animals want to be free from suffering
- Try to open up your heart to all beings
- How wonderful would it be if they were free of suffering
- Before me appears Chenrezig; he is white, has 1000 arms and 11 faces
- Make request from your heart that you may develop more love and compassion
for all beings
- Chenrezig lovingly sends out streams of white light, filling up every cell
of your body
- All negativities and problems dissolve, and you are filled with love and compassion.
- Your body feels light and blissful, your mind is peaceful and clear
- Chenrezig shines light unto all sentient beings, purifying them and filling
them with love and compassion
- Keep this visualisation and recite OM MANI PADME HUM, first aloud, then silently
for some time
- Chenrezig dissolves into white light
- The white light enters the crown of your head and sinks into your heart center
- Your mind becomes one with Chenresig peace and joy
By this virtue may I soon
reach a Guru-Buddha-state,
and lead each and every being
to that state of Buddhahood.
May the precious Bodhicitta
not yet born, arise and grow
may that born have no decline
but increase forever more.
Last updated:February 6, 2011